Wednesday, August 12, 2015

learn these sentences

  1. Brihadeeswara temple is very old.(old)
  2. It is an ancient monument of more than 1000 years old.(ancient)
  3. Old people often go to the old and ancient temples.
  4. The captain commands his team and gives orders.( command and order.)
  5. You can grow vegetables at home too.(grow)
  6. You can develop good habits.( develop)
  7. Why are you sad? (sad) Don't get disappointed.( disappointed)
  8. You are your own friend and you are your own enemy.(enemy)
  9. The opponent defeated  the  other contestant.( opponent)
  10. She was furious and very angry with her husband.(Furious .angry)
  11. I heard the giggle of the girl typists.(giggle)
  12. The ladies cackled when the hero stepped down from his car.(cackle)
  13. Idle and lazy people cannot achieve anything in life.(Idle and lazy)
  14. He is the kin and relative related by blood.(kin and relative)
  15. They all attended the party with kith and kin.(Kith -friend)
  16. you can be happy and you can be merry when you ride the Merry-go-round.(Happy and merry)
  17. He is my best pal and friend.(pal and friend)
  18. Peace and calm can prevail if everyone is happy and contented,(peace  and calm)
  19. Everyone will admire and praise  the person who helps others when in need.( admire and praise).
  20. Are you puzzled and confused with this article?(puzzled and confused)
  21. you must be swift and quick in picking up new words and meanings.(swift and quick)
  22. It is indeed a good thing to really refer to the dictionary often.(indeed and really)
  23. The dog sniffed at the box and smelled the bomb.(sniffed and smelled-smelt)
  24. You must not use rough and harsh words if you really want to be  a friend.(rough and harsh)
  25.  You can win and achieve victory,if you know how to master yourself.(win and victory)
  26. We can achieve anything if we are together and united.(together and united)
  27. Upcoming and forthcoming events cast their shadows before. (upcoming and forthcoming)
  28. Are you amazed and surprised when he won the elections?( amazed and surprised)
  29. Dog is a faithful and loyal animal.(faithful and loyal)
  30. You need not be unhappy and sad if you cannot do something right in the first time.(unhappy and sad).

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